Merit-Based Certificate Recipients

Merit-Based Certificate Recipients

At GAF, we believe in recognizing andrology professionals solely based on their contributions and merit. Our new "Merit-Based Certifications" initiative aims to remove barriers such as discrimination and favoritism, ensuring that dedication, expertise, and hard work are the sole measures of success.

This section is dedicated to showcasing the recipients of the GAF Merit-Based Certification. Here, the GAF members have earned this recognition through their outstanding contributions and commitment to academic excellence.

Rupin Shah, MS, M.Ch

Mumbai, India

Christine Wyns, MD, PhD

Brussels, Belgium

Omer Raheem, MD, MSc, MCh, MRCSI

Chicago, USA

Germar-M Pinggera, MD

Insbruck, Austria

Ramadan Saleh, MD

Sohag, Egypt

Giovanni M. Colpi, MD

Lugano, Switzerland

Selahittin Cayan, MD, FECSM

Mersin, Turkey

Ryan Patrick Smith, MD

Charleston, United States

Taymour Mostafa, MD

Cairo, Egypt 

Eric Chung, MBBS, FRACS

Sydney, Australia

Rajender Singh, MSc, PhD

Lucknow, India

Aldo E. Calogero, MD

Catania, Italy

Ates Kadioglu, MD, FECSM

Istanbul, Turkey

Ahmed I. El-Sakka, MBChB, MSc, MD

Port Said, Egypt

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